Foldable Visualization
Supporting visual comparison with natural interaction
Christian Tominski and Falko LöfflerUniversity of Rostock, 2011-2024
The software demonstrates interaction techniques that assist comparison tasks for table-based and matrix-based visual representations. The basic idea is to allow you to dynamically create snapshots of parts of the visual representation. For the comparison of such snapshots, you can (1) flexibly arrange them on the screen, (2) temporarily fade them out, or (3) temporarily fold them away. Additional visual cues are provided to further assist in finding dis/similar parts in the data.Publications
- C. Tominski, C. Forsell, and J. Johansson. Interaction Support for Visual Comparison Inspired by Natural Behavior. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No. 12, 2012.
- C. Tominski and F. Löffler. Novel Interaction Techniques for Visual Comparison. Poster at IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis), Providence, USA, 2011.