A System for Visualizing Multi-Variate Spatio-Temporal Data
Christian TominskiUniversity of Rostock, 2002-2011
The LandVis system explores different visualization techniques for spatio-temporal data. The system can generate basic choropleth maps and also rich space-time cube visualizations with 3D glyphs or layered network representations. A particularly interesting visualization is the Great Wall of Space-Time, which shows temporal trends along a path through space. LandVis includes sophisticated labeling algorithms, task-based color coding, and multi-scale data exploration.Publications
- C. Tominski and H.-J. Schulz. The Great Wall of Space-Time. Proceedings of the Workshop on Vision, Modeling & Visualization (VMV), Magdeburg, Germany, Eurographics Association, 2012.
- S. Hadlak, C. Tominski, H.-J. Schulz, and H. Schumann. Visualization of Attributed Hierarchical Structures in a Spatio-Temporal Context. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 24, No. 10, 2010.
- C. Tominski, P. Schulze-Wollgast, and H. Schumann. 3D Information Visualization for Time Dependent Data on Maps. Proceedings of the International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), London, UK, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.