
Scattered Data Visualization
Christian Tominski (with M. Peckhaus, S. Dittrich, D. Mostafa, F. Höpfner)
University of Rostock, 2013-2024
ScatterVis demonstrates basic visualization techniques for scattered data. Simple colored points are the most basic technique. Voronoi diagrams partition the space into colored regions. Shepard interpolation can be used to smoothly interpolate between data points. The interpolation can also be used to generate colored contours as bands or lines. ScatterVis can also generate enridged contour maps, as published by van Wijk and Telea in 2001. A layer-based desing allows you to experiment and merge the results of different techniques.
You may try out this Java software. Download the file ScatterVis.jar and if you are lucky you can (still) run it out of the box by calling java -jar ScatterVis.jar on the command line. On high-resolution displays, you may want to insert -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.0 right before the -jar switch with a scaling factor that matches your device configuration (e.g., 2.0 for 200% display scaling). This research prototype is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.