Fisheye Tree View

A Tree View Featuring Animation, Overview+Detail and Focus+Context
Christian Tominski
University of Rostock, 2006
Fisheye Tree Views apply well-known fisheye distortion techniques (see Sakar and Brown (1994) and Carpendale et al. (1997) to facilitate the exploration of the hierarchical data structures, such as file systems or classification systems. The fisheye magnification allows users to see details on demand without losing the overall context.
You may try out this Java software. Download the file TreeView.jar and if you are lucky you can (still) run it out of the box by calling java -jar TreeView.jar on the command line. On high-resolution displays, you may want to insert -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.0 right before the -jar switch with a scaling factor that matches your device configuration (e.g., 2.0 for 200% display scaling). This research prototype is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.