VisAxes - Axes-Based Visualization
Featuring Coordinates Wheel (aka Time Wheel), Parallel Coordinates, Kiviat Graph, Plot Wheel (aka Multi Comb), Scatter Plot Matrix and more
Christian Tominski
University of Rostock, 2003-2010
- C. Tominski, J. Abello, and H. Schumann. Axes-Based Visualizations with Radial Layouts. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Nicosia, Cyprus, ACM, 2004.
How to Use

New version (as of September 2010): Added option to set colors of axes, removed nasty bug!
VisAxes (incl. sample data) (appr. 550 KByte)
You will need the .NET Framework 2.0 to run VisAxes!
Valid Data
- The first line in a data file must contain unique attribute names separated by semicolon
- The second line contains the data types of the attributes also separated by semicolon
- Valid data types are "String", "Real", "Integer", "Category", and "Date"
- The rest of the lines contains the actual data
- Note that a temporal reference is only recognized if "Date" is the first attribute in the file
- Further note that the tool is not very cooperative with respect to duplicate attribute identifiers, missing values, or too many separators, so be careful when preparing your data
- Example:
Date;AvgTemp;Precipitation;RelHumidity Date;Real;Real;Integer 1893-01-01;-10.6;0;79 1893-01-02;-12.9;0.1;97 1893-01-03;-12;3.2;85 ...