Oliver Staadt
An Integrative View of Foveated Rendering
The Effect of Spatial Reference on Visual Attention and Workload during Viewpoint Guidance in Augmented Reality
Virtual Lenses as Embodied Tools for Immersive Analytics
Effect of User Roles on the Process of Collaborative 2D Level Design on Large, High-resolution Displays:
Task Dependent Group Coupling and Territorial Behavior on Large Tiled Displays
Virtual Lenses as Embodied Tools for Immersive Analytics
Enhancement of Pointing Towards Non-Haptic Augmented Reality Interfaces by Increasing the Arm Position Sense
Hybrid Mono-Stereo Rendering in Virtual Reality
Foreword to the Special Section on the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2017
gSMOOTH: A Gradient Based Spatial and Temporal Method of Depth Image Enhancement
Towards Intelligent Interfaces for Mixed-Focus Collaboration
Robust Enhancement of Depth Images from Depth Sensors
An Efficient Interpolation Approach for Low Cost Unrestrained Gaze Tracking in 3D Space
The Effect of Visual Distractors in Peripheral Vision on User Performance in Large Display Wall Systems
VR and AR Research – A German Perspective
Temporal Filtering of Depth Images Using Optical Flow
Distributed Unity Applications: Evaluation of Approaches
Flexible Calibration of Color and Depth Camera Arrays
On Spatial Perception Issues In Augmented Reality Based Immersive Analytics
Latency in Distributed Acquisition and Rendering for Telepresence Systems
Evaluation of Distance-Aware Bimanual Manipulation Techniques for Large High-Resolution Displays
Depth Image Enhancement Using 1D Least Median of Squares
Mobile 3D Gaze Tracking Calibration
Enhancement of Direct Augmented Reality Object Selection by Gravity-Adapted Target Resizing
Adopting a Game Engine for Large, High-Resolution Displays
Kalibrierung und Evaluierung eines mobilen Gazetracking Systems
Large, Ultra High Resolution Displays-LUHRDs
Towards Context-Dependence Eye Movements Prediction in Smart Meeting Rooms
Dynamic Level of Detail for Tiled Large High-Resolution Displays
Calibration of Depth Camera Arrays
A Proof-of-Concept Study on the Impact of Artificial Hypergravity on Force-Adapted Target Sizing for Direct Augmented Reality Pointing
Fast and Accurate 3D Reproduction of a Remote Collaboration Environment
Gaze Location Prediction with Depth Features as Auxiliary Information
ICAT - EGVE - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence - Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting (GI VR/AR 2013 Special Issue)
The Impact of Altered Gravitation on Performance and Workload of Augmented Reality Hand-Eye-Coordination: Inside vs. Outside of Human Body Frame of Reference
Bandwidth-Efficient Image Degradation and Enhancement Model for Multi-Camera Telepresence Environments
A Pilot Study for Augmented Reality Supported Procedure Guidance to Operate Payload Racks On-Board the International Space Station
Fast and Efficient Data Reduction Approach for Multi-Camera Light Field Display Telepresence Systems
Mobile Augmented Reality for Space Operation Procedures: A Generic Approach of Authoring and Guiding On-Board Payload Activities
The Effect of Hyper- and Microgravity on Visuomotor Coordination of Augmented Reality Selection in Correlation with Spatial Orientation and Haptical Feedback
Virtuelle Und Erweiterte Realität - 10. Workshop Der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR
Multi-Camera Acquisition and Placement Strategy for Displaying High-Resolution Images for Telepresence Systems
A Distributed Camera Library Design for Telepresence
Augmented Reality in Altered Gravity
Distance-Aware Bimanual Interaction for Large High-Resolution Displays
Proceedings of the Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - EuroVR
Evaluation of 3D Selection Tasks in Parabolic Flight Conditions: Pointing Task in Augmented Reality User Interfaces
Reducing Bandwidth Consumption in Parallel Networked Telepresence Environments
Smart Interaction Management: An Interaction Approach for Smart Meeting Rooms
General Bandwidth Reduction Approaches for Immersive LHRD Videoconferencing
Physical Navigation to Support Graph Exploration on a Large High-Resolution Display
The Extended Window Metaphor for Large High-Resolution Displays
Real-Time Open Water Environments with Interacting Objects
A Geoscience Perspective on Immersive 3D Gridded Data Visualization
The Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT '08)
Interactive Visualization to Advance Earthquake Simulation
Automatic Feature Modeling Techniques for Volume Segmentation Applications
Interactive Processing and Visualization of Image Data for Biomedical and Life Science Applications
A Foveal Inset for Large Display Environments
Study of 3D Visualization Software for Geo-Science Applications
Multimedia Integration into the Blue-c API
3D Warp Brush: Interactive Free-Form Modeling on the Responsive Workbench
Blue-c API: A Multimedia and 3D Video Enhanced Toolkit for Collaborative VR and Telepresence
Blue-c: A Spatially Immersive Display and 3D Video Portal for Telepresence
The Blue-c Distributed Scene Graph
The Blue-c Distributed Scene Graph
Spatialized Audio Rendering for Immersive Virtual Environments
Fast Multiresolution Surface Meshing