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The chairs of Visual Computing and Visual Analytics are frequently looking for talented individuals. As part of the Institute for Visual & Analytic Computing Institute, we offer a friendly, helpful, team-oriented, and inclusive work environment with a highly motivated faculty. On this page, you can find current announcements. For information on upcoming opportunities, please contact us directly. Unless otherwise stated we expect a master’s degree in computer science or any related area, and experience in one of the fields: computer graphics, virtual reality, visualisation, or visual analytics. Applicants should normally aim for a PhD, applicants with a PhD should aim for a scientific carreer.

Student Research Assistant - Comparing User Interfaces for Decision Preferences

20h / month

Chair of Visual Analytics

Student Research Assistant - Comparing User Interfaces for Decision Preferences

We research visualization tools that help people explore options to make a good choice. This involves research how to make subjective preferences usable for decision support.
For this purpose, we are planning a study to find out how a user interface needs to be designed to make expressing preferences easy but also precise.
We are seeking a curious and committed student to work with us at this exciting intersection of data visualization and decision-making.
You will support us in setting up the study by implementing the questionnaire and processing the collected data. This includes preparing the preference elicitation interfaces, implementing a mechanism to assess their quality, and analyzing the collected participant data.

Online application and further details