- Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Heidrun Schumann, and Christian Tominski:
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data , Revised and Expanded Second Edition, Springer, 2023.
- Christian Tominski, and Heidrun Schumann:
Interactive Visual Data Analysis, AK Peters Visualization Series, CRC Press, 2020. (ISBN: 9781498753982).
- Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Heidrun Schumann, and Christian Tominski:
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data, Springer Verlag, 2011.
- Schumann,H.; Müller,W.:
Visualisierung - Grundlagen und allgemeine Methoden, Springer Verlag, 2000.
- Schumann,H.; und Meissner,H.:
Rastergraphik - Hardwareentwicklungen, Beziehungen zu graphischen Standards,
Aspekte der Interaktion. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1991.
- Berger, P.; Schumann, H.; and Tominski, C.:
Integrating Visual Exploration and Direct Editing of Multivariate Graphs. In: B. Kovalerchuk, K. Nazemi, R. Andonie, N. Datia, and E. Bannissi (ed.): Integrating AI and Visualisation for Visual Knowledge Discovery, Springer, 2022. pages 459-483
- Berger, P.; Schumann, H.; and Tominski, C.:
Towards Understanding Edit Histories of Multivariate Graphs. In: Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), Rome, Italy, Eurographics Association, 2022.
- Nonnemann, L.; Hogräfer, M.; Röhlig, M.; Schumann, H.; Urban, B.†; Schulz, H.J.:
A data-driven platform for the coordination of independent Visual Analytics tools. In: Computers & Graphics, Vol. 106, August 2022, Pages 152-160.
- Andrienko, N.; Andrienko, G.; Miksch, S.; Schumann,H.; Wrobel, S.:
A theoretical model for pattern discovery in visual analytics. Visual Informatics, Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 23-42
- Horak, T.; Berger, P.; Dachselt, R.; Schumann, H.; and Tominski, C.:
Responsive Matrix Cells: A Focus+Context Approach for Exploring and Editing Multivariate Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021. (T. Horak and P. Berger are joint first authors.)
- Nonnemann, L.; Hograefer, M.; Schumann, H.; Urban, B., and Schulz, H.-J.:
Customizable Coordination of Independent Visual Analytics Tools. Proceedings EuroVA 21, Zurich, Switzerland, 2021
- Schmidt, C.; Grundel, B.; Schumann, H. and Rosenthal, P.:
Annotations in Different Steps of Visual Analytics. Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 3: IVAPP, pp. 164–172, INSTICC SciTePress, 2021, ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6.
- Andrienko, G. et al.:
Big Data Visualization and Analytics: Future Research Challenges and Emerging Applications. Proceedings BigVis 2020, 3rd International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics, Copenhagen, Denmark, March, 2020
- Eichner, C.; Schumann, H., and Tominski, C.:
Making Parameter Dependencies of Time-Series Segmentation Visually Understandable. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 607-622, 2020.
- Bors, C. Eichner, C.; Miksch, S.; Tominski, C., Schumann, H.; and Gschwandtner, T.:
Exploring Time Series Segmentations Using Uncertainty and Focus+Context Techniques. Short Paper Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), Norrköping, SE, Eurographics Association, 2020 doi: 10.2312/evs.20201040
- Horak, T.; Berger, P.; Dachselt, R.; Schumann, H.; and Tominski, C.:
Responsive Matrix Cells: A Focus+Context Approach for Exploring and Editing Multivariate Graphs. arXiv:2009.03385 [cs.GR], CoRR, 2020. (T. Horak and P. Berger are joint first authors.)
- Nonnemann, L.; Schumann, H.; Urban, B., Aehnelt, M.; Schulz, H.-J.:
A Characterization of Data Exchange between Visual Analytics Tools. in: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Visualisation IV 2020 (7- 11 Sept 2020) -ONLINE-, VA-track, 12th International Symposium Visual Analytics and Data Science,
- Prakasam, R.K., Matuszewska-Iwanicka, Fischer, D.C., Schumann, H., Tschoepe, D., Stratmann, B., Hettlich, H.-J., Guthoff, R., Stachs, O., Roehlig, M.;
Thickness of Intraretinal Layers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Depending on a Concomitant Diabetic Neuropathy: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Using Deviation Maps for OCT Data Analysis, MDPI, Biomedicines, Vol.8, issue 7, 10.3390/biomedicines8070190
- Schmidt, C.; Rosenthal, P.; and Schumann, H.::
Varying Annotations in the Steps of the Visual Analysis. arXiv:2008.08806, 2020,
- Schulz, H.-J.; Röhlig, M.; Nonnemann, L.; Hograefer, M.; Aehnelt, M.;Urban, B. and Schumann, H.::
A Layered Approach to Lightweight Toolchaining in Visual Analytics. in: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Springer, 2020, DOI
- Berger, P.; Schumann, H.; and Tominski, C.:
Visually Exploring Relations between Structure and Attributes in Multivariate Graphs. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization (IV 2019), Paris, F, 2019.
- Duebel, S.; Ripken, C.; and Schumann, H.:
Using Saliency to Support the Design of Visualizations of Spatial Data in 3D Terrain poster at IEEE VIS 2019, October, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Eichner, C.; Schumann, H., and Tominski, C.:
Multi-display Visual Analysis: Model, Interface, and Layout Computation. arXiv:1912.08558 [cs.GR], CoRR, 2019.
- Prakasam, R. K.; Röhlig, M.; Fischer, D.-C.; Götze, A.; Jünemann, A.; Schumann, H. and Stachs, O.:
Deviation maps for understanding thickness changes of inner retinal layers in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Current Eye Research, Taylor & Francis, Volume 44 Issue 7, pp. 746-752, 2019,
- Röhlig, M.; Prakasam, R. K.; Stuewe, J.; Schmidt, C.; M.Stachs, O.; and Schumann, H.:
Enhanced Grid-Based Visual Analysis of Retinal Layer Thickness with Optical Coherence Tomography. MDPI Information, Vol. 10, No.9, 2019
- Röhlig, M.; Stuewe, J.; Schmidt, C.; Prakasam, R. K.; Stachs, O.; and Schumann, H.:
Grid-Based Exploration of OCT Thickness Data of Intraretinal Layers. Proceedings International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP), Prague, CZ, 2019.
- Röhlig, M.; Schmidt, C.; Prakasam, R. K.; Stachs, O.; and Schumann, H.:
Towards Accurate Visualization and Measurement of Localized Changes in Intraretinal Layer Thickness. Poster at VAHC 2019 (10th workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2019), October 20th, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Schmidt, C.; Roehlig, M.; Grundel, B.; Daumke, P.; Ritter, M.; Stahl, A.; Rosenthal, P. and Schumann, H.:
Combining Visual Cleansing and Exploration for Clinical Data. accepted for: VAHC 2019 (10th workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2019), October 20th, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Schulz, H.-J.; Röhlig, M.; Nonnemann, L.; Aehnelt, M.; Diener, H.; Urban, B. and Schumann, H.::
Lightweight Coordination of Multiple Independent Visual Analytics Tools . Proceedings International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP), Prague, CZ, 2019.
- Stachs, O.; Prakasam, R. K.; Fischer, D.-C.; Schumann, H.; Matuszewska, A.; Tschöpe, D.; Stratmann, B.; Hettlich, H. J. and Röhlig, M.:
Visual Visual analysis of retinal OCT data in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ophthalmologe, Proceedings of the DOG congress, 2019
- Stachs, O.; Prakasam, R. K.; Fischer, D.-C.; Schumann, H.; Matuszewska, A.; Tschöpe, D.; Hettlich, H. J. and Röhlig, M.:
Visual Analytics of OCT data: Utility of deviation maps in describing retinal layer thickness changes. Proceedings of the ARVO annual meeting, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, ARVO, Vancouver, CA, 2019.
- Angelini, M.; Santucci, G.; Schumann, H.; Schulz, H.-J.:
A Review and Characterization of Progressive Visual Analytics. Informatics, Vol.5 (3), 31, 2018, DOI: 10.3390/informatics5030031.
- Berger, P.; Chegeni, B.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Integrated Visualization of Structure and Attribute Similarity of Multivariate Graphs. Poster, IEEE InfoVis 2018, Berlin, Oct. 2018.
- Bernard, J., Boors, C.; Bögl, M.; Eichner, C; Gschwandtner, T.; Miksch, S.; Schumann, H.; Kohlhammer, J.:
Combining the Automated Segmentation and Visual Analysis of Multivariate Time Series. Proceedings EuroVA 2018, EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics, Brno, Czech, 2018, DOI: 10.2312/eurova.20181112.
- Eichner, C; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Supporting Visual Parameter Analysis of Time Series Segmentation with Correlation Calculations. Poster at EuroVis 2018, Brno, Czech, 2018.
- Hauser, H.; Schumann, H.:
Visualization Pipeline. in: Encyclopedia of Database Systems. (eds: Ling Liu, M. Tamer Oezsu), 2nd. ed., Springer, 2018
- Röhlig, M.; Rosenthal, P.; Schmidt, C.; M.; Schumann, H.; Stachs, O.:
Visual Analysis of Retinal Changes with Optical Coherence Tomography. The Visual Computer, Springer, 2018.
- Stuewe, J.; Röhlig, M.; Schumann, H.; Prakasam, R.K.; Stachs, O.:
Visual Analysis of Abnormal Thickness of Intraretinal Layers. Poster, IEEE VAST 2018, Berlin, Oct. 2018.
- Schmidt, C.; Rosenthal, P.; M.; Schumann, H.:
Annotations as a Support for Knowledge Generation: Supporting Visual Analytics in the Field of Ophthalmology Proceedings of IVAPP, Funchal, Portugal, 2018, DOI: 10.5220/0006615902640272.
- Vollmer, J.O.; Trapp, M.; Schumann, H.; Doellner, J.:
Hierarchical Spatial Aggregation for Level-of-Detail Visualization of 3D Thematic Data. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), Volume 4 Issue 3, September 2018, doi: 10.1145/3234506
- Dübel, S.; Röhlig, M.; Tominski, C.; Schumann, H.:
Visualizing 3D Terrain, Geo-spatial Data, and Uncertainty. Informatics, Vol. 4, 2017, DOI: 10.3390/informatics4010006
- Dübel, S.; Schumann, H.:
Visualization of Features in 3D Terrain. IJGI, International Journal of Geo-Information 6(11) Nov. 2017, doi:10.3390/ijgi6110357
- Hauser, H.; Schumann, H.:
Visualization Pipeline. SpringerLink, Jan., 2017, doi:10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_1133-2.
- Richter, C.; Duebel, S.; Schumann, H.:
Visual Analysis of Geo-spatial Data in 3D Terrain Environments using Focus+Context. Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), Eurographics Association, Barcelona, Spain 2017.
- Röhlig, M.; Jünemann, A.; Fischer, D.-C.; Prakasam, R.; Stachs, O.; Schumann, H.:
Visuelle Analyse von retinalen OCT-Daten. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 2017, 234: 1463-1471, DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-121705
- Röhlig, M.; Luboschik, M.; Schumann, H.:
Visibility widgets for unveiling occluded data in 3D terrain visualization. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, Vol.42, Oct. 2017, pp 86-98; DOI: 10.1016/j.jvlc.2017.08.008.
- Röhlig, M.; Rosenthal, P.; Schmidt, C.; M.; Schumann, H.; Stachs, O.:
Visual Analysis of Optical Coherence Tomography Data in Ophthalmology Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), Eurographics Association, Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
- Röhlig, M.; Luboschik, M.; Prakasam, R. K.; Schumann, H.; Stachs, O.: Visually Analyzing Parameter Influence on Optical Coherence Tomography Data in Ophthalmology. Poster EuroVis 2017, Eurographics Association, Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
- Schulz, H.-J.; Nocke, T.; Heitzler, M.; Schumann, H.:
A Systematic View on Data Descriptors for the Visual Analysis of Tabular Data. preprint SAGE Information Visualization 16(3), pp.232-256, 2017. DOI: 10.1177/1473871616667767.
- Stachs, O.; Juenemann, A.; Schumann, H.; Roehlig, M.: Visual Analytics in der Augenheilkinde. Spitzenforschung in der Ophthalmologie, 2. Auflage, 2017, S.160-164.
- Tominski, C.; Gladisch, S.; Kister, U.; Dachselt, R.; Schumann, H.:
Interactive Lenses for Visualization: An Extended Survey. Computer Graphics Forum Vol.36, No.6, pp. 173-200, 2017, DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12871
- Tominski, C.; Aigner, W.; Miksch, S.; Schumann, H.:
Images of Time: Visual Representations of Time-Oriented Data. in Black, A.; Lund, O.; Walker, S.(eds): Information Design: Research and Practice, Routledge, 2017, ISBN: 9780415786324
- Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Dykes, J., Kraak, M. J., Robinson, A. & Schumann, H.:
GeoVisual analytics: interactivity, dynamics, and scale. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 43(1), pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1080/15230406.2016.1095006
- Eichner, C.; Gladisch, S.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Direct Visual Editing of Node Attributes in Graphs. Informatics, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2016.
- Duebel, S.; Roehlig, M.; Tominski, C.; Schumann, H.:
Visualizing 3D Terrain, Geo-Spatial Data, and Uncertainty preprint 2016 doi: 10.20944/preprints201612.0053.v1.
- Gladisch, S.; Weigandt, V.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Orthogonal Edge Routing for the EditLens. arXiv:1612.05064 [coGR], 2016.
- Röhlig, M.; Schumann, H.:
Visibility Widgets: Managing Occlusion of Quantitative Data in 3D Terrain Visualization. The 9th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2016), Dallas, Texas, USA, Sep. 2016.
- Röhlig, M.; Stachs, O. Schumann, H.:
Detection of Diabetic Neuropathy - Can Visual Analytics Methods Really Help in Practice? Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3), Eurographics Association, Groningen, NL, 2016.
- Schulz, H.-J.; Angelini, M.; Santucci, G.; Schumann, H.:
An Enhanced Visualization Process Model for Incremental Visualization. IEEE TVCG Vol.22, No.7, pp. 1830-1842, 2016.
- Aigner, W.; Miksch, S.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Temporal Visualization. in Ward, M.; Grienstein, G.; Keim, D. (ed.) Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations, Techniques and Applications (2nd edition), CRC Press, 2015,
- Duebel, S.; Middendorf, L.; Haubelt, C.; Schumann, H.:
A Flexible Architecture for Ray Tracing Terrain Heightelds. Proceedings VCSS 2015, Rostock, Germany, Oct., 2015
- Eichner, C.; Nocke, T.; Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann, H.:
Interactive presentation of geo-spatial climate data in multi-display environments. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(2)493-514, April, 2015, pp. 493-514, doi:10.3390/ijgi4020493
- Eichner, C.; Nyolt, M.; Schumann, H.:
A novel infrastructure for supporting display ecologies. Proceedings International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC15, Las Vegas, USA, Dec., 2015, to be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, Springer.
- Gladisch, S.; Kister, U.; Tominski, C.; Dachselt, R.; Schumann, H.:
Mapping Tasks to Interactions for Graph Exploration and Graph Editing on Interactive Surfaces. arXiv:1504.07844 [cs.HC], 2015.
- Gladisch, S.; Kister, U.; Tominski, C.; Dachselt, R.; Schumann, H.:
Mapping Tasks to Interactions for Graph Exploration and Graph Editing. Poster, IEEE Vis, Chicago, USA, Oct., 2015.
- Gladisch, S.; Schumann, H.; Luboschik, M; Tominski, C.:
Towards Using Matrix Visualizations for Graph Editing. Poster, IEEE Vis, Chicago, USA, Oct., 2015.
- Gschwandtner, T., H. Schuman, J. Bernard, T. May, M. Bögl, S. Miksch, J. Kohlhammer, M. Röhlig, and B. Alsallakh:
Enhancing Time Series Segmentation and Labeling Through the Knowledge Generation Model. Poster Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2015), Cagliari, Italy, 2015
- Hadlak, S.; Schumann, H.; Schulz, H.-J.:
A Survey of Multi-faceted Graph Visualization. State-of-the-art-report, Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) 2015, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 2015
- Luboschik, M.; Röhlig, M.; Bittig, A.; Andrienko, N.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Feature-Driven Visual Analytics of Chaotic Parameter-Dependent Movement. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 34 (2015), Number 3, Proceedings EuroVis 2015, best paper
- Radloff, A.; Tominski, C.; Nocke, T.; Schumann, H.:
Supporting Presentation and Discussion of Visualization Results in Smart Meeting Rooms. The Visual Computer, Vol.31, No.9, 2015,
- Richter, C.; Luboschik, M.; Röhlig, M.; Schumann, H.:
Sequencing of Categorical Time Series. interactive Poster, IEEE Vis, Chicago, Oct. 2015
- Röhlig, M.; Luboschik, M.; Krüger, F.; Kirste, T.; Schumann, H.; Bögl, M.; Bilal, A.; Miksch, S.:
Supporting Activity Recognition by Visual Analytics. Proceedings IEEE VAST 2015, Chicago, Oct. 2015
- Röhlig, M.; Luboschik, M.; Tavakoli, M.; Schumann, H.:
Assessing Corneal Nerve Morphology with Visual Analytics. Poster 25th NEURODIAB Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, Sep. 2015,
- Schumann, H.:
3D in der Informationsvisualisierung. Proceedings Go-3D 2015, Rostock, Sep. 2015, in German,
- Abello, J.; S. Hadlak; Schumann, H.; Schulz, H.-J.:
A Modular Degree-of-Interest Specification for the Visual Analysis of Large Dynamic Networks. IEEE TVCG 20(3), March 2014, pp 337 - 350.
- Andrienko, G. & Andrienko, N.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Visualization of Trajectory Attributes in Space-Time Cube and Trajectory Wall. In: Buchroithner, M., Prechtel, N. & Burghardt, D. (ed.) Cartography from Pole to Pole. Springer, 2014.
- Andrienko, G. & Andrienko, N.; Dykes, J.; Kraak, M.-J.; Schumann, H.:
GeoVisual analytics, time to focus on time. Information Visualization 13(3): 187-189 2014.
- Angelini, M.; Santucci, G.; Schumann, H.; Schulz, H.-J.:
Towards a Visualization Process Model for Online Visualization. Interactive Poster, IEEE Vis, Paris, Nov. 2014
- Carr, H., Rheingans; P.; Schumann, H. (eds):
Conference Proceedings, Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) 2014, Computer Graphics Forum Volume 33 (2014), Number 3.
- Dübel, S.; Röhlig, M.; Schumann, H.; Trapp, M.:
2D and 3D presentations of spatial data: A systematic view. Proceedings 3DVis@IEEEVIS2014: Does 3D really make sense for Data Visualization? workshop, IEEE Vis 2014, Paris, 2014.
- Eichner, C.; Bittig, A.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Analyzing Simulations of Biochemical Systems with Feature-Based Visual Analytics. Computers & Graphics, Vol. 38, No. 1, February 2014, pp.18-26.
- Gladisch, S.; Schumann, H.; Ernst, M.; Füllen, G.; Tominski, C.:
Semi-Automatic Editing of Graphs with Customized Layouts. Computer Graphics Forum Volume 33 (2014), Number 3, Proceedings EuroVis, 2014, Swansea, Wales, UK, June, 2014
- Luboschik, M.; Roelig, M.; Kundt, G.; Stachs, O.; Peschel, S.; Zhivov, A; Guthoff, R.F.; Winter, K.; Schumann, H.:
Supporting an Early Detection of Diabetic Neuropathy by Visual Analytics. Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA'2014), Swansea, UK, 2014
- Röhlig, M.; Luboschik, M.; Kundt, G.; Stachs, O., Peschel, S.; Zhivov, A.; Guthoff, R.F.; Winter, K., Schumann, H.:
Visuelle Analyse zur Früherkennung einer diabetischen Neuropathie. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Schwerpunktthema "Neue Technologien", Band 231, Dezember 2014, S.162-169
- Röhlig, M.; Luboschik, M.; Schumann, H.; Bögl, M.; Bilal, A.; Miksch, S.:
Analyzing Parameter Influence on Time-Series Segmentation and Labeling. Interactive Poster, IEEE Vis, Paris, Nov. 2014
- Scheel, C.; Löffler, F.; Lehmann, A.; Schumann, H.; Staadt, O.:
Dynamic Level of Detail for Tiled Large High-Resolution Displays. Proc. Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität 2014, Shaker Verlag, 109–119, 2014.
- Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann, H.; Pohl, H.:
Editorial: Computers & Graphics Special Section on Visual Analytics. Computers & Graphics, Vol. 38, No. 1, February 2014.
- Tominski, C.; Gladisch, S.; Kister, U.; Dachselt, R.; Schumann, H.:
A Survey on Interactive Lenses in Visualization. State of the art report, EuroVis, 2014, Swansea, Wales, UK, June, 2014
- Eichner, C.; Bittig, A.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Feature-Based Visual Analytics for Studying Simulations of Dynamic Bi-Stable Spatial Systems. Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), Leipzig, Germany, 2013.
- Gladisch, S.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
Navigation Recommendations for Exploring Hierarchical Graphs. Proceedings ISVC'13. 9th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Crete, Greece, July 2013. LNCS "Advances in Visual Computing", Springer, 2013.
- Hadlak, S.; Schumann, H.; C. Cap, Wollenberg, T.:
Supporting the Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks by Clustering associated Temporal Attributes , IEEE IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 19, No. 12, 2013 (VAST 2013)
- Helms, T. , M. Luboschik, H. Schumann; A. Uhrmacher:
An Approximate Execution of Rule-based Multi-level Models. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, CMSB 2013, Klosterneuburg, Austria, Sep. 2013.
- John, M.; Schulz,H.-J.; Schumann, H.; Uhrmacher, A.; Unger, A.:
Constructing and Visualizing Chemical Reaction Networks from Pi-Calculus Models. Formal Aspects of Computing, Volume 25, Issue 5 (Sep. 2013), pp. 723-742, 2013.
- Nguyen, D. Q.; Schumann,H.:
Web-based Exploration of Photos with Time and Geospace. in Jose Cordeiro, Karl-Heinz Krempels (Eds.): Web Information Systems and Technologies, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 140, 2013, pp 153-166
- Nguyen, D. Q.; Schumann,H.:
Visualization to Support Augmented Web Browsing. Proceedings IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (short paper), Atlanta, USA, 2013,
- Schulz,H.-J.; Nocke, T.; Heitzler, M.; Schumann, H.:
A Design Space of Visualization Tasks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, VOL. 19, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013, pp. 2366- 2375 (IEEE InfoVis 2013, Atlanta, Oct. 2013)
- Schulz,H.-J.; Hadlak, S.; Schumann, H.:
A Visualization Approach for Cross-level Exploration of Spatiotemporal Data. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, i-Know 2013, Graz, Austria, Sep. 2013.
- Schumann, H.:
interviewed for: Vivian Marx: Data visualization: ambiguity as a fellow traveler, nature methods, VOL.10 NO.7, pp. 613-615, JULY 2013
- Holzhüter, C.; Lex, A.; Schmalstieg, D.; Schulz; Schumann,H.; Streit, M.:
Visualizing Uncertainty in Biological Expression Data. Proceedings VDA 2012, Part of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2012, San Francisco, USA, Jan., 2012
- Loeffler, F.; Schumann:
Generating Smooth High-Quality Isosurfaces for Interactive Modeling and Visualization of Complex Terrains. Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2012), Magdeburg, Nov., 2012.
- Luboschik, M.; Maus, C.; Schulz,H.-J.; Schumann, H.; Uhrmacher, A:
Heterogeneity-based guidance for exploring multiscale data in Systems Biology. BioVis'2012, VisWeek, Seattle,USA,Oct.,2012.
- Luboschik, M.; Tominski, C.; Bittig, A.; Uhrmacher, A.; Schumann, H.:
Towards Interactive Visual Analysis of Microscopic-Level Simulation Data. Proceedings of the Annual SIGRAD Conference, Special Theme: Interactive Visual Analysis of Data, Vaexjoe, Sweden, Linkoeping University Electronic Press, 2012.
- Luboschik, M.; Rybacki, S.; Ewald, R.; Schwarze, B.; Schumann, H.; Uhrmacher, A:
Interactive Visual Exploration of Simulator Accuracy: A Case Study for Stochastic Simulation Algorithms. Winter Simulation Conference WSC 2012, Berlin, Dec. 2012.
- Nguyen, D. Q.; Schumann,H.:
Phototima: Visual Exploratiom of Photos with spatio-temporal references. Proceedings WEBIST 2012, Portugal on 18-21 April, 2012
- Radloff, A.; Lehmann, A.; Staadt, O.; Schumann, H.:
Smart Interaction Management: An Interaction Approach for Smart Meeting Rooms. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'12), Guanajuato, Mexico, June, 2012
- Radloff, A. ; G. Fuchs, G.; Schumann, H.:
Supporting Visual Analysis in Smart Meeting Rooms. Proceedings EuroVA 2012, Wien, June, 2012
- Rosenbaum, R. ; Schulz, H.-J.; Hadlak, S.; Schumann, H.:
Visual Analysis of Spatiotemporal Multilevel Data. GeoVA(t), Columbus OH, USA, September, 2012,
- Streit, M.; Schulz, H.-J.; Lex, A.; Schmalstieg, D.; Schumann,H.:
Model-Driven Design for the Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data. IEEE TVCG 2012, vol. 18 no. 6, June 2012, pp. 998-1010
- Tominski, C.; Schumann, H.; Andrienko, G. & Andrienko, N.:
Stacking-Based Visualization of Trajectory Attribute Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No. 12, 2012.
- Fuchs, G.; Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann,H.:
Progressive Imagery with Scalable Vector Graphics. Proceedings VDA SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011, San Francisco, USA, Jan.; 2011
- Hadlak, S.; Schulz,H.-J.; Schumann, H.:
In Situ Exploration of Large Dynamic Networks. IEEE TVCG 17(12), Dez. 2011, S. 2334- 2343 (proceedings IEEE InfoVis 2011).
- Lehmann, A.; Schumann,H.; Staadt, O.; Tominski, C.:
Physical Navigation to Support Graph Exploration on a Large High-Resolution Display. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Visual Computing, (ISVC11), Las Vegas, Nevada, September, 2011.
- Loeffler, F.; Mueller, A.; Schumann,H.:
Real-time Rendering of Stack-based Terrains. Proceedings of the 16th international workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2011), Berlin, Germany, Oct., 2011.
- Nguyen, D. Q.; Tominski, C.; Schumann,H.; Ta, T. A.:
Visualizing Tags with Spatiotemporal References. Proceedings of the International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), London, UK, IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
- Radloff, A.; Luboschik, M.; Schumann,H.:
Smart Views in Smart Environments. Proceedings of Smart Graphics 2011, Bremen, Germany, July, 2011.
- Radloff, A.; Nocke, T.; Schumann,H.:
Supporting Climate Impact Research by a Smart View Management. Poster, IEEE InfoVis 2011, Providence, USA, Oct, 2011.
- Radloff, A.; Luboschik, M.; Sips, M.; Schumann,H.:
Supporting Display Scalability by Redundant Mapping. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Visual Computing, (ISVC11), Las Vegas, Nevada, September, 2011.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Gimenez, G.; Schumann,H.; Hamann, B.:
A flexible, low-complexity device adaption approach for data presentation. Proceedings VDA SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011, San Francisco, USA, Jan.; 2011
- Schulz, H.-J.; Hadlak, S.; Schumann,H.:
The Design Space of Implicit Hierarchy Visualization: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.17 (4), pp. 393-411, 2011
- Schulz, H.-J.; Hadlak, S.; Schumann,H.:
Point-Based Visualization for Large Hierarchies. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.17 (5), pp. 598-611, 2011
- Schulz, H.-J.; Uhrmacher, A.; Schumann,H.:
Visual Analytics for Stochastic Simulation in Cell Biology. i-Know'11 conference, Special Track on Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics (TAVA), Graz, A, September, 2011
- Schumann,H., Tominski, C.:
Analytical, Visual, and Interactive Concepts for Geo-Visual Analytics. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, Vol. 22, No. 4, August 2011, pp.257-267
- Schumann,H., Nocke, T.:
Computerbilder, Visualisierungsstrategien und Informationsdarstellung. (in German), erschienen in P.Stoellger, T.Klie (eds): Präsenz und Entzug - Ambivalenzen des Bildes. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2011, S.519-534
- Tominski, C.; Schumann,H.; Spindler, M., and Dachselt, R.:
Towards Utilizing Novel Interactive Displays for Information Visualization. Workshop on Data Exploration for Interactive Surfaces at the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), Kobe, Japan, Nov., 2011.
- Mitwirkung an der Roadmap des Europäischen Netzwerkprogramms VisMaster, Kapitel 5
"Mastering the Information Age -Solving Problems with Visual Analytics" ,
Edited by Daniel Keim, Jörn Kohlhammer, Georey Ellis and Florian Mansmann, 2010
- Andrienko,G.; Andrienko,N.; Demšar,U.; Dransch,D.; Dykes,J.; Fabrikant,S.; Jern, M.; Kraak,M.-J.; Schumann,H.; Christian Tominski; C.:
Space, Time, and Visual Analytics. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 24, No 10, 2010, pp. 1577-1600
- Andrienko,G.; Andrienko,N.; Dykes,J.; Kraak,M.-J.; Schumann,H.:
GeoVA(t) - Geospatial Visual Analytics: Focus on Time. editorial Special Issue of the International Journal of Geographical Information Science, IJGIS Vol. 24, No. 10, Oct., 2010, pp. 1453 - 1457
- Andrienko,G.; Andrienko,N.; Dykes,J.; Kraak,M.-J.; Schumann,H.:
GeoVA(t) - Geospatial Visual Analytics: Focus on Time. editorial Special Issue of the Journal of Location Based Services, JLBS, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, Dec. 2010, pp. 141 - 146,
- Dinh-Quyen Nguyen; Schumann,H.:
Taggram: Exploring Geo-Data on Maps through a Tag Cloud-based Visualization. 14th International Conference Information Visualisation IV'10, London, July 2010
- Hadlack, S., Schulz,H.-J.; Schumann,H.; Tominski, C.:
Visualization of Attributed Hierarchical Structures in a Spatio-Temporal Context. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 24, No 10, pp. 1497-1513, 2010
- Hadlack, S., Schulz,H.-J.; Schumann,H.; Tominski, C.:
Visualization of Hierarchies in Space and Time. Workshop on Geospatial Visual Analytics: Focus on Time, Guimarães, Portugal, May, 2010.
- Holzhüter, C.;Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann,H.:
Enriched Heatmaps for Visualizing Uncertainty in Microarray Data. Poster, Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine,VCBM 2010, Leipzig, Juli, 2010.
- Holzhüter, C.;Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann,H.:
Multi-Level Visualization for the Exploration of Temporal Trends in Simulation Data. Poster, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Winter Simulation Conference 2010.
- Lehmann, D.J.; Albuquerque, G; Eisemann, M.; Tatu, A.; Keim, D.; Schumann,H.; Magnor, M.; Theisel, H.:
Visualisierung und Analyse multivariater Datensätze. (in German). Informatik Spektrum, Band 33, Heft 6, S. 589-600, Dezember 2010.
- Löffler, F., Schwanke,S.; Schumann,H.:
A hybrid approach for high quality real-time terrain rendering and optimized a-priori error estimation. Proceedings GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, Angers, France, May, 2010.
- Löffler, F.; Schumann,H.:
QEM-Filtering: A new Technique for Feature-Sensitive Terrain Mesh Simplification. Proceedings of the 15th international workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV2010), Siegen, Germany, Nov., 2010.
- Luboschik, M., Radloff,A.; Schumann,H.:
A new weaving technique for handling overlapping regions. Proceedings AVI 2010 -Advanced Visual Interfaces; Roma, Italy, May, 2010.
- Luboschik, M., Radloff,A.; Schumann,H.:
Using NPR-Rendering Techniques for the Visualization of Uncertainty. Poster, IEEE InfoVis conference, Salt Lake City, USA, Oct, 2010.
- Pritzkau, A.; Radloff, A.; Schumann,H.; Bartz, D.†:
Scattering and Jittering: Using Real and Illusionary Motion for Better Visual Scatterplot Analysis. Poster, IEEE InfoVis conference, Salt Lake City, USA, Oct, 2010.
- Rosenbaum, R; Schumann,H.:
Compliant interframe coding for Motion-JPEG2000. Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC10, Las Vegas/US, November 29 - December 01, 2010
- Spindler, M.; Tominski, C.; Schumann,H.; Dachselt, R.:
Tangible Views for Information Visualization. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, ITS 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany, Nov., 2010.
- Spindler, M.; Tominski, C.; Schumann,H.; Dachselt, R.:
Towards Making InfoVis Views Tangible. Poster, IEEE InfoVis conference, Salt Lake City, USA, Oct, 2010.
- Abello, J.; Tominski, C.; Schumann,H.:
CGV - An Interactive Graph Visualization System. DIMACS/CINJ BioMedical Informatics Summit January 27, 2009, USA, NJ.
- Brennecke, A.; Schumann,H.:
A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR DIGITAL GAME-BASED TRAINING SYSTEMS. Proceedings IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2009, Jun 2009; Algarve, Portugal
- Cords, H., Luboschik, M.; Schumann,H.:
Floating Labels: Improving Dynamics of Interactive Labeling Approaches. Proceedings of MCCSIS (IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information systems) Algarve, Portugal, June. 2009
- Fuchs, G.; Schumann,H.:
Smart Visual Interfaces: Adaptive Anzeige graphischer Modelldaten. CAD-CAM Report, Engineering Magazin, Nr. 1/2, 2009, S. 50-53.
- Fuchs, G.; Thiede, C.; Sips,M.; Schumann, H.:
Device-based Adaptation of Visualizations in Smart Environments. Proceedings CoVis 2009: Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces, Atlantic City, N.J. USA, Oct.,2009.
- John, M.; Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann, H.; Uhrmacher, A.; Unger, A.:
Exploring Time-Varying Hyper Graphs. Interactive Poster, IEEE InfoVis'09, Atlantic City, N.J. USA, Oct., 2009.
- Löffler, F., Rybacki, S.; Schumann,H.:
Error-bounded GPU-supported terrain visualisation. Proceedings WSCG'2009, The 14-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, Febr. 2009
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann,H.:
Progressive refinement - more than a means to overcome limited bandwidth. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2009, San Jose/US, January 18 - 22, 2009.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann,H.:
Progressive imagery beyond a means to overcome limited bandwidth. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2009, San Jose/US, January 18 - 22, 2009.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann,H.:
Resource-saving image browsing based on JPEG2000, blurring, and progression. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2009, San Jose/US, January 18 - 22, 2009.
- Schulz, H.; Hadlack, S.; Schumann, H.:
Point-Based Tree Representation: A new Approach for Large Hierarchies. Proceedings IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2009, Beijing, China, April 20 to 23, 2009.
- Schumann, H.:
Informationsvisualisierung - Methoden und Perspektiven. Beitrag zum 18. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium des Statistischen Bundesamts (gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft), Wiesbaden, November, 2009.
- Streit, M.; Schulz, H.; Schmalstieg,D.; Schumann, H.:
Towards Multi-User Multi-Level Interaction. Proceedings CoVis 2009: Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces, Atlantic City, N.J. USA, Oct.,2009.
- Thiede, C.; Schumann, H.; Rosenbaum, R.:
On-the-fly-device adaptation using progressive content. in D. Tavangarian et al (eds): Intelligent Interactive Assistence and Multimedia Computing, Proceedings IMC'2009, Springer 2009.
- Thiede, C.; Tominski, C.; Schumann, H.:
Service-Oriented Information Visualization for Smart Environments. Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, IV09 - 13th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Barcelona, July, 2009.
- Tominski, C.; Abello, J.; Schumann, H.:
CGV - An Interactive Graph Visualization System. Computers & Graphics, Vol. 33, No. 9, S.660-678, 2009.
- Tominski, C.; Abello, J.; Schumann, H.:
Two Novel Techniques for Interactive Navigation of Graph Layouts. Poster,Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization - EuroVis'09, Berlin, Juny, 2009.
- Uhrmacher,A.; Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann, H.; Schwabe, L.; Timmermann, D.:
Regenerative Systems - Challenges and Opportunities for Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization. Proceedings of the ICST VALUETOOLS 2009 in Pisa, Italy.
- Unger, A.; Schumann, H.:
Visual Support for the Understanding of Simulation Processes. Proceedings IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2009, Beijing, China, April 20 to 23, 2009.
- Unger, A.; Gutzeit, E.; Jeschke, M.; Schumann, H.:
VioNeS - Visual Support for the Analysis of the Next-Sub-Volume Method. Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, IV09 - 13th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Barcelona, July, 2009.
- Aigner, W.; Miksch,S.; Müller, W.; Schumann,H.; Tominski, C.:
Visual Methods for Analyzing Time-Oriented Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 14, No.1, 2008.
- Ali, K.; Hartmann, K.; Fuchs, G.; Schumann,H.:
Adaptive Layout for Interactive Documents. Proceedings Smart Graphics, Rennes France, August, 2008.
- Brennecke, A.; Schlechtweg, S.; Schumann,H.:
Game-Based Training in an Interactive Environment. Proceedings EG UK Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, Manchester, Juny 2008.
- Fuchs, G.; Holst, M.; Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann,H.:
3D Mesh Exploration for Smart Visual Interface. Proceedings VISUAL'2008 - 10th International Conference on Visual Information Systems, Web-based visual information search and management, Salerno, Italy, Sep.,2008.
- John, M.; Tominski,C.; Schumann,H.:
Visual and Analytical Extensions for the Table Lens. IS&T/SPIE Annual Symposium Electronic Imaging - Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA), San Jose, USA, 2008.
- Luboschik, M.; Schumann,H.; Cords,H.:
Particle-Based Labeling: Fast Point-Feature Labeling without Obscuring Other Visual Features. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 14, Nr.6 Nov./Dec. 2008, Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization -InfoVis’08),S.1237 -1244
- Luboschik, M.; Schumann,H.:
Discovering the Covered: Ghost-Views in Information Visualization. Proceedings WSCG'2008, The 13-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, Febr. 2008
- Luboschik, M.; Schumann,H.:
Illustrative Halos in Information Visualization. ACM SIGMM Proceedings Advanced Visual Interfaces AVI'2008, Napoli, Italy, May 2008
- Mollus, S.; Lübke, J.; Walczuch, A.J.; Schumann,H.; Weese, J.:
Model-to-image based 2D-3D-registration of angiographic data. Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging, San Jose, USA, 2008
- Rosenbaum, R.; Fuchs, G.; Schumann,H.:
Region-wise meta-data in JPEG2000-encoded imagery. Proceedings VIE 2008, Xi'an/China, July 29 - August 01, 2008.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Luboschik, M.; Thiede, C.; Schumann,H.:
Progressive Information Visualization. Interactive Poster, IEEE Information Visualization InfoVis'2008, Ohio, USA, Oct. 2008.
- Schulz, H.; Hadlak, S.; Schumann,H.:
A point-based Layout for Large Hirarchies. Interactive Poster, IEEE Information Visualization InfoVis'2008, Ohio, USA, Oct. 2008.
- Schulz, H.-J.; John, M.; Unger, A.; Schumann,H.:
Visual Analysis of Bipartite Biological Networks. Proceedings Eurographics Workshop on Computing for Biomedicine, VCBM 2008, Delft, NL, Oct. 2008
- Schulz, H.-J.; John, M.; Unger, A.; Schumann,H.:
Table-based Visualization and Interaction for Bipartite Graphs. Interactive Poster, IEEE Information Visualization InfoVis'2008, Ohio, USA, Oct. 2008.
- Schumann,H.:
Modellierung in der Computergraphik. in: Modellierung und Simulation - Techniken und gesellschaftliche Implikationen. Wissenschaftsverbund IuK, Universität Rostock, S. 137 - 146, 2008.
- Sonnet, H.; Unger, A.; Schumann,H.:
Interactive Images using Illustration Watermarks:Techniques, Studies,and Applications. Proceedings WSCG'2008, The 13-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, Febr. 2008
- Thiede,C.; Fuchs, G.; Schumann,H.:
Smart Lenses. Proceedings Smart Graphics, Rennes France, August, 2008.
- Tominski,C.; Schulze-Wollgast, P.; Schumann,H.:
Visual Methods for Analyzing Human Health Data. In: Nilmini Wickramasinghe and Eliezer Geisler (editors), Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems. Information Science Reference, 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-59904-889-5).
- Tominski,C.; Fuchs, G.; Schumann,H.:
Task-driven Color Coding. IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of 12th International Conference Information Visualisation IV'08, London, July 2008.
- Tominski,C.;Schumann,H.:
Visualization of Gene Combinations. IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of 12th International Conference Information Visualisation IV'08, London, July 2008.
- Tominski,C.;Schumann,H.:
Enhanced Interactive Spiral Display. SIGRAD 2008, The Annual SIGRAD Conference, Special Theme: Interactivity, Stockholm, Sweden, 2008.
- Unger, A.;C.; Muigg, P.; Doleisch, H.; Schumann,H.:
Visualizing Statistical Properties of Smoothly Brushed Data Subsets. IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of 12th International Conference Information Visualisation IV'08, London, July 2008.
- Abello, J.; Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann, H.; Tominski, C.:
CGV - Coordinated Graph Visualization Interactive Poster, IEEE InfoVis'07, Sacramento, USA, Oct., 2007
- Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Wolfgang Müller, Heidrun Schumann, and Christian Tominski:
Visualizing Time-Oriented Data: A Systematic View. Computers & Graphics , Vol. 31, No. 3, 2007.
- Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Alessio Bertone, Heidrun Schumann, and Christian Tominski:
Towards A Conceptual Framework for Visual Analytics of Time and Time-oriented Data. Proceedings Winter Simulation Conference, WSC'07, Washington, D.C., USA, Dez., 2007.
- Angela Brennecke, Stefan Schlechtweg, Heidrun Schumann:
OpenCrimeScene Review Log: Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications , Seite 185--190. Herausgeber: INSTICC Press, 2007
- Georg Fuchs, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Heidrun Schumann:
"Presenting Technical Drawings on Mobile Handhelds". Proceedings of the 18th IRMA International Conference 2007 in Vancouver, Kanada, ISBN 1-59904-929-5.
- Fuchs, G.; Thiede, C.; Schumann, H.:
Plugable Lenses for Interactive Visualizations Interactive Poster, IEEE InfoVis'07, Sacramento, USA, Oct., 2007
- Martin Giersich, Peter Forbrig, Georg Fuchs, Thomas Kirste, Daniel Reichart, Heidrun Schumann:
Towards an Integrated Approach for Task Modeling and Human Behavior Recognition. Proceedings HCI International, Volume 1 (LNCS 4550), July 22nd-27th 2007, Beijing, P.R. China.
- Holst, M.; and Schumann, H.:
Normal Mapping for Surfel-based Rendering. Journal of WSCG'2007, Vol.15, No.1-3, 2007, S. 9-16
- Holst, M.; and Schumann, H.:
Surfel-Based Billboard Hierarchies for Fast Rendering of 3D-Objects. Proceedings, Eurographics Symposium on Point-based Graphics, Praha, Sept., 2007, S. 72-79
- Holst, M.; and Schumann, H.:
Memory-efficient view-dependent level of detail of high-detailed meshes. Proceedings, GRAPP'07, Barcelona, Spain, März, 2007, S. 323-326
- Luboschik, M.; and Schumann, H.:
Explode to explain - Illustrative Information Visualization. IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of 11th International Conference Information Visualisation IV'07, Zürich, Schweiz, Juli, 2007
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
Smooth Transitions for Mobile Imagery Browsing. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2007, San Jose/US, January 28 - February 01, 2007
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
Interfaces for mobile image browsing. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2007, San Jose/US, January 28 - February 01, 2007
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
Hidden Context Highlighting with JPEG2000-imagery. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2007, San Jose/US, January 28 - February 01, 2007
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
Mobile Image Communication using JPEG2000. Proceedings of the 18th IRMA International Conference 2007 in Vancouver, Kanada, ISBN 1-59904-929-5
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
Chances and Limits of Progression in Visualization. Proceedings SimVis 2007, Magdeburg/Germany, March 08 - 09, 2007
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
On-demand foveation for Motion-JPEG2000 encoded imagery. Proceedings IEEE-ISCIT'2007, Sydney/Australia, October 16 - 19, 2007
- Schulz, H.-J.; Luboschik, M.; Schumann, H.:
Exploration of the 3D Treemap Design Space Interactive Poster, IEEE InfoVis'07, Sacramento, USA, Oct., 2007
- Schumann, H.:
Visual Analytics - quo vadis? Timnews, Donauuniversität Krems, vol. 12., Nr. 39, Januar, 2007, S. 8-9
- Thiede, C.; Schumann, H.:
Beschreibung des Kontextes zur Adaption visueller Interfaces in multimedialen adhoc-Umgebungen Rostocker Informatik Berichte, Heft 391, Dezember, 2007, S. 103 - 116
- Tominski, C.; Holzhüter, C.; Unger, A; Schumann, H.:
Visualization of Gene Combinations Interactive Poster, IEEE InfoVis'07, Sacramento, USA, Oct., 2007
- Unger, A.; Biermann, S.; John, M.; Uhrmacher, A.; Schumann, H.:
Visual Support for Modeling and Simulation of Cell Biological Systems Poster, Winter Simulation Conference, WSC'07, Washington, D.C., USA, Dez., 2007
- Biehl, N.; Düsterhöft, A.; Forbrig, P.; Fuchs, G.; Reichart, D., and Schumann, H.:
Advanced Multi-modal User Interfaces for Mobile Devices - Integration of Visualization, Speech Interaction and Task Modelling. Proceedings IRMA'06, 17th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, May 21st-24th 2006, Washington D.C., USA.
- Forbrig, P.; Fuchs, G.; Reichart, D.; Schumann, H.
Modellbasierte Entwicklung mobiler multimodaler Nutzungsschnittstellen. Sechste fachübergreifende Konferenz: Mensch und Computer im Strukturwandel, September 2006.
- Forbrig, P.; Fuchs, G.; Reichart, D.; Schumann, H.
Ein Ansatz zur modellbasierten Entwicklung mobiler Benutzungsschnittstellen mit aufgabenorientierter Visualisierung. INFORMATIK 2006, Informatik für Menschen, Band 2, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Proceedings, Volume 94, S. 138-145, Oktober 2006.
- Fuchs, G.; Luboschik, M; Hartmann, K.; Ali, K.; Schumann, H.; Strothotte, T.:
Adaptive Labeling for Interactive Mobile Information Systems. Proceedings IEEE Information Visualisation IV'06, London, Juli 2006
- Fuchs, G.; Reichart, D.; Schumann, H., and Forbrig, P.:
Maintenance Support - Case Study for a Multimodal User Interface. S&T/SPIE's 16th Annual Symposium Electronic Imaging: Multimedia on Mobile Devices II, January 15th-19th 2006, San Jose, California, USA.
- Fuchs, G., and Schumann, H.:
Visualization in Multimodal User Interfaces of Mobile Applications. Proceedings IRMA'06, 17th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, May 21st-24th 2006, Washington D.C., USA.
- Fuchs, G.; Griethe, H., and Schumann, H.:
Definition allgemeiner Linsentechniken auf unterschiedlichen Stufen des Visualisierungsprozesses. Proceedings GeoVis'06, Kartographische Schriften, Band 10, Kirschbaum-Verlag/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie e.V., Bonn, Germany, April, 2006. (in German)
- Griethe, H.; and Schumann, H.:
The Visualization of Uncertain Data: Methods and Problems. Proceedings SimVis'06, Magdeburg, Germany, März, 2006.
- Holst, M.; and Schumann, H.:
Efficient Rendering of High-Detailed Objects Using A Reduced Multi-Resolution Hierarchy. Proceedings of GRAPP 2006, S. 3-10, Februar, 2006.
- John, Mathias; Tominski, Christian; Schumann, Heidrun:
Two-Tone Pseudo Coloring for Multiple Variables. Interactive Poster, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, InfoVis'06, Baltimore, USA, Oktober, 2006
- Kazakeviciute,G.;Januškevicius, E.; Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
Self-annotating Raster Images. Lithuanian journal "Information technology and control", Vol. 35, No. 2, Juli 2006, S. 106-116
- Guest Editors: Kirste, T.; Schumann, H.:
Special Issue on Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Computers&Graphics, Vol.30, Issue 5, Dezember 2006.
- Lange, S.; Nocke, T., and Schumann, H.:
Visualisierungsdesign – ein systematischer Überblick. Proceedings SimVis'06, Magdeburg, Germany, März, 2006. (in German)
- Müller, W.; Nocke, T.; and Schumann, H.:
Enhancing the Visualization Process with Principal Component Analysis to Support the Exploration of Trends. Proceedings Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualization (APVIS'06), Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 2006
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
JPEG2000-based Viewer Guidance for Mobile Image Browsing. Proceedings IEEE-MMM'2006,12th International Multi Media Modelling Conference Beijing/China, January 04-06, 2006
- Rosenbaum, R.; Tominski, Chr., and Schumann, H.:
Graphical Content On Mobile Devices. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (editor), Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce. Idea Group Reference, 2006, ISBN: 1-59140-799-0.
- Rosenbaum, R.; and Schumann, H.:
Representing large visual contents in wearable ambient environments. Poster, ERCIM-UI4all 2006, 2006, Königswinter/Germany, September 27-28, 2006
- Schulz, H.-J.; Nocke, T.; and Schumann, H.:
A Framework for Visual Data Mining of Structures. Proceedings 29th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC'06), Hobart, TAS, Australia, Jan. 2006
- Schulz, Hans-Jörg; Schumann, Heidrun:
Visualizing Graphs: A generalized View. Proceedings IEEE Information Visualisation IV'06, London, Juli 2006
- Schulz, H.-J.; Schumann, H., and Nocke, T.:
Visualizing and Analyzing Large Systems of Differential Equations. Posterpräsentation, Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, Kalifornien,USA, Dez. 2006
- Schumann, Heidrun; Forbrig, Peter; Düsterhöft, Antje; Fuchs, Georg; Reichart, Daniel; Biehl, Norman:
Model-Based Development of Interactive Systems – Integration of Visualization, Speech Interaction and Task Modelling. Multi-channel Adaptive Context-sensitive (MAC) Systems: Building Links between Research Communities, Glasgow, Mai 2006.
- Sips, Mike; Schneidewind, Jörn; Keim, Daniel A.; Schumann, Heidrun:
Scalable Pixel-based Visual Interfaces: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings IEEE Information Visualisation IV'06, London, Juli 2006
- Tominski, Christian; Abello, James; van Ham, Frank; Schumann, Heidrun:
Fisheye Treeviews and Lenses for Graph Visualization. Proceedings IEEE Information Visualisation IV'06, London, Juli 2006
- Biermann, S.; Gu, Y.; Schumann, H.; Uhrmacher, L.:
Information Visualization in Systems Biology. Rostocker Informatik-Berichte, Heft 29, Universität Rostock, Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik, 2005, ISSN 0233-0784
- Forbrig, P.; Schumann, H.:
Advanced Multi-Modal User Interfaces -Visualisation, Natural Language and Platform Independence. Dagstuhl Seminar "Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence: The Challenge of Multimedia", Mai, 2005, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 05181
- Fuchs, G.; Schumann, H.:
Visualization in Multimodal User Interfaces of Mobile Applications. Dagstuhl Seminar "Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence: The Challenge of Multimedia", Mai, 2005, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 05181
- Griethe, H.; Fuchs, G.; Schumann, H.:
A Classification Scheme for Lens Techniques. Proceedings WSCG'2005, The 10-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, Febr. 2005
- Griethe, H.; Schumann, H.:
Visualizing Uncertainty for Improved Decision Making. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2005), University of Skövde, Sweden, October 3-4, 2005.
- Jeschke,S.;Wimmer, W.; Purgathofer, W.; Schumann, H.:
Automatic Impostor Placement for Guaranteed Frame Rates and Low Memory Requirements. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, ACM Press, April 2005.
- Kazakeviciute,G.;Januškevicius, E.; Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
Tamper-Proof Image Watermarking Based on Existing Public Key Infrastructure. Informatica, 2005, Vol.16, No.1, S. 75-92
- Nocke, T.; Schlechtweg, S.; Schumann, H.:
Icon-based Visualization using Mosaic Metaphors. Proceedings IEEE Information Visualization (IV'05), London, 2005
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
Grid-based interaction for effective image browsing on mobile devices. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2005, San Jose/US, January 16-20, 2005
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
JPEG2000-based image communication for modern browsing techniques. Proceedings SPIE - Electronic Imaging 2005, San Jose/US, January 16-20, 2005
- Schulze-Wollgast, P.; Tominski, C.; Schumann, H.:
Enhancing Visual Exploration by Appropriate Color Coding. Proceedings WSCG'2005, The 10-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, Febr. 2005
- Schumann, H.:
Computergraphik: Künstliche Bilder aus dem Rechner. begleitender Buchband zur Ringvorlesung "Bilder der Wissenschaft - Wissenschaft der Bilder", G. Papay (ed) Philosophische Fakultät, Universität Rostock, 2005
- Christian Tominski, Petra Schulze-Wollgast; Schumann, H.:
3D Information Visualization for time dependent data on maps. Proceedings IEEE Information Visualization (IV'05), London, 2005
- Christian Tominski, James Abello; Schumann, H.:
3D Axes-based Visualization for time series data. Interactive Poster, IEEE InfoVis'05, Minneapolis, USA, Oktober, 2005
- Biermann, S.; Uhrmacher, L.; Schumann, H.:
Supporting Multi-level Models in Systems Biology by Visual Methods.; Proceedings of the 18th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM'04), June 2004, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Fuchs, G.; Kreuseler, M.; Schumann, H.:
Extended Focus & Context for Visualizing Abstract Data on Maps.; Proceedings CODATA Prague Workshop "Information Visualization, Presentation, and Design. Prague, March, 29-31, 2004.
- Fuchs, G.; Schumann, H.:
Intelligent Icon Positioning for Interactive Map-based Information Systems.; Proceedings 15th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, IRMA 2004, New Orleans, USA, May 2004.
- Fuchs, G.; Schumann, H.:
Visualizing Abstract Data On Maps.; International Conference on Visualisation 2004 (IV04), London, UK, June, 2004.
- Karstens, B.; Rosenbaum,R.; Schumann, H.:
Presenting Large and Complex Information sets on Mobile Handhelds. in: P.C. Deans (ed): E-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies, IRM Press, Hershey, London, 2004.
- Kreuseler, M.; Nocke, T.; Schumann, H.:
A History Mechanism for Visual Data Mining.; proceedings IEEE InfoVis'2004, Austin, USA, Oktober, 2004.
- Guest Editors: Marcos, A.; Müller, W.; Schumann, H.:
Special Issue on Visual Knowledge Discovery. Computers&Graphics, Vol.28, Issue 3, June 2004.
- Müller, W.; Schumann, H.:
Exploring large data sets by visual means.; Workshop Statistical data mining between research and practice, Hamburg, Germany, Febr. 2004.
- Nocke, T.; Schumann, H.:
Goals of Analysis for Visualization and Visual Data Mining Tasks.; Proceedings CODATA Prague Workshop "Information Visualization, Presentation, and Design. Prague, March, 29-31, 2004.
- Nocke, T.; Schumann, H.; Böhm, U.:
Methods for Visualisation of Clustered Climate Data.; Computational Statistics (2004) 19(1), S.75-94.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
Limited spatial access in JPEG2000 for remote image editing.; In: IASTED-VIIP2004, International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, Marbella/Spain, September 2004.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
Transcoding JPEG2000-streams for modern image browsing techniques.; In: IASTED-VIIP2004, International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, Marbella/Spain, September 2004.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann, H.:
Remote raster image browsing based on fast content reduction for mobile environments.; In: Proceeding of the Eurgraphics Workshop on Multimedia, Nanjing/China, October 2004.
- Rosenbaum, R.; Tominski, Chr.; Schumann, H.:
Presenting Large Graphical Contents on Mobile Devices - Performance Issues.; Proceedings 15th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, IRMA 2004, New Orleans, USA, May 2004.
- Schlechtweg, S.; Schulze-Wollgast, P.; Schumann, H.:
Visual Support for Keyword Search in Electronic Documents.; Proceedings SimVis'2004, The 15th Conference on Simulation and Visualization, Magdeburg, Germany, March 4-5, 2004.
- Schlechtweg, S.; Schulze-Wollgast, P.; Schumann, H.:
Interactive Treemaps with Detail on Demand to Support Information Search in Documents.; Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2004, Konstanz, Germany, May 19-21, 2004.
- Schumann, H.:
Konzepte und Methoden der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung.; Kartographische Bausteine, Band 26, TU Dresden, Juni, 2004, S.20-28.
- Schumann, H.; Müller, W.:
Informationsvisualisierung: Methoden und Perspektiven.; it - Information Technology 3(2004), Oldenbourg-Verlag, 2004, S.135-141.
- Tominski, Chr.; Abello, J.; Schumann, H.:
Axes-Based Visualizations with Radial Layouts.; ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) Nicosia, Cyprus, March, 2004.
- Tominski, Chr.; Schumann, H.:
An Event-Based Approach to Visualization.; International Conference on Visualisation 2004 (IV04), London, UK, June, 2004.
- Jeschke, S.; Birkholz, H.; Schumann,H.:
A Procedural Model For Interactive Animation of Breaking Ocean Waves.; Postersession WSCG'2003, The 8-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, Febr. 2003
- Karstens, B.; Kreuseler, M.; Schumann,H.:
Visualization of Complex Structures on mobile handhelds. Proceedings IMC'2003, International Workshop on Mobile Computing, Rostock, Germany, June 17-18, 2003
- Karstens, B.; Rosenbaum,R.; Schumann,H.:
Information presentation on mobile handhelds. Proceedings 14th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, IRMA 2003, Philadelphia, USA, Mai 2003
- Karstens, B.; Rosenbaum,R.; Schumann,H.:
Visual Interfaces for mobile handhelds. Proceedings HCI International 2003, Crete, Greece, Juni, 2003
- Kreuseler,M.; Nocke,T.; Schumann,H.:
Integration of Clustering and Visualization Techniques for Visual Data Analysis.; In: Opitz, O.; Schwaiger, M., (Hrsg.), Exploratory Data Analysis in Empirical Research, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge Organization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2003
- Müller,W.; Schumann,H.:
Visualization Methods for Time- dependent Data - an Overview.; Proceedings of Winter Simulation'2003, New Orleans, USA, Dez. 2003
- Nocke,T.; Böhm, U., Schumann,H., Flechsig, M.:
Information Visualization supporting Modelling and Evaluation Tasks for Climate Models.; Proceedings of Winter Simulation'2003, New Orleans, USA, Dez. 2003
- Rosenbaum, R.; Schumann,H.:
Mobile Bildkommunikation mit JPEG2000. In: IuK-Tage 2003, Juni, 2003
- Schulze-Wollgast,P.; Schumann,H.; Tominski, C.:
Visual Analysis of Human Health Data.; Proceedings 14th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, IRMA 2003, Philadelphia, USA, Mai 2003
- Schumann,H.; Kreuseler,M.:
Fokus&Kontext-Darstellung im Geographischen Kontext.; Proceedings GeoVis'2003, Hannover, Febr. 2003
- Tominski, C.; Abello, J.; Schumann,H.:
Axes-Based Visualizations for Time Series Data.; Poster Presentation, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, Seattle, USA, Oktober, 2003
- Tominski,C.; Schulze-Wollgast,P.; Schumann,H.:
Visualisierung zeitlicher Verläufe auf geografischen Karten.; Proceedings GeoVis'2003, Hannover, Febr. 2003
- Tominski,C.; Schulze-Wollgast,P.; Schumann,H.:
Visual Analysis of health data.; Proceedings IRMA'2003, Seattle, Oktober, 2003
- Mitautorenschaft am 2-bändigen Lexikon der Kartographie und Geomatik,
Spektrum-Verlag, 2002
- Jeschke, S.; Wimmer, M.; Schumann,H.:
Layered Environment Impostors for Arbitrary Scenes; Proceedings Graphics Interfaces 2002, Calgary, Canada, May 2002, S.1-9
- Keim,D.; Müller, W.; Schumann,H.:
Information Visualization and Visual Data Mining; State of the art report, Eurographics 2002, Saarbrücken, Sept. 2002 (Slices, Part 1)
- Kreuseler,M.; Schumann,H.:
A Flexible Approach for Visual Data Mining; IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Band 8, Nr.1, Januar-März, 2002
- Müller, W.; Schumann,H.:
Visual Data Mining; NORSIGD Info 2/2002, November 2002, S. 4-7
- Nocke,T.; Schumann,H.:
Meta Data for Visual Data Mining ; Proceedings Computer Graphics and Imaging, CGIM 2002, Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA, August, 2002
- Reinhardt,K.; Schumann,H.; Urban,B.:
A flexible framework for the knowledge-based Generation of Multimedia Presentations; in: Syed,M. Rahman (ed.): Interactive Multimedia Systems, IRM Press, Hershey, London, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing, 2002
- Rosenbaum,R.; Schumann,H.:
Flexible, Dynamic and Compliant Region of Interest Coding in JPEG2000; Proceedings ICIP 2002, 9th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, New York, USA, Sep. 2002
- Rauschenbach, U.; Jeschke,S.; Schumann,H.:
General Rectangular FishEye Views for 2D Graphics; in: Computers and Graphics, 25(4),2001, S. 609-617
- Rauschenbach, U.; Rosenbaum,R.; Schumann,H.:
A flexible Polygon Representation of Multiple Overlapping Regions of Interest for Wavelet-based Image Coding
Proceedings ICIP'2001, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, Okt. 2001
- Schultz,R.;Schumann,H.:
Importance Driven Rendering - Using Importance Information in the Rendering Process; Hamza M., Sarfraz M. (ed.): Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2001) Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, August 2001
- Schultz,R.;Schumann,H.:
Automatic Instancing of Hierarchically Organized Objects; Kunii T.L.(ed.): Proceedings SCCG'2001 (ISBN80-223-1606-7) Bratislava, April 2001
- Schulze-Wollgast,P.;Schumann,H.:
Der richtige Einsatz von Visualisierungstechniken in TeCoMed; In: 3. workshop Telemedizin für Patienten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Dierhagen, September 2001
- Kreuseler,M.;Lopez,N.;Schumann,H.:
A scalable Framework for Information Visualization; INFOVIS'2000, Salt Lake City, USA, Oktober 2000
- Rauschenbach,U., Jeschke,S., Schumann,H.:
General Rectangular FishEye Views for 2D Graphics; IMC '2000 - IMC'2000 - Workshop on Intelligent Interactive Assistance and Mobile Computing, Rostock-Warnemnünde, Germany - November 9-10, 2000
- Rauschenbach,U.; Weinkauf,T.; Schumann,H.:
"Interactive Focus and Context Display of Large Raster Images"; in: Proceedings WSCG'2000, The 8-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 7 - 11, 2000.
- Reinhardt,K.; Schumann,H.; Urban,B.:
A flexible framework for the knowledge-based Generation of Multimedia Presentations; Proceedings 11th International Conference of the Information Resources Managment Association, IRMA 2000, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Mai 2000.
- Rosenbaum,R., Schumann,H.:
A steganographic framework for reference colour based encoding and cover image selection; Proceedings ISW'2000 - Third Information Security Workshop,Perth, Australien,Dezember, 2000
- Schultz,R.;Schumann,H.:
Efficient Scene Descriptions Using Advanced Modeling Techniques in the RenderMan context; Proceedings SCCG'2000 (ISBN 80-223-1486-2) Bratislava, Mai 2000, S.114-120
- Theisel, H.; Rauschenbach,U.; Perez,C.; Schumann,H.:
"Vector Field Visualization on the Internet"; in: Proceedings SimVis'2000, The 11th Conference on Simulation and Visualization, Magdeburg, Germany, March 23-24, 2000.
vor 2000
- Göcke,R.; Weese, J.; Schumann,H.:
Fast Volume rendering methods for voxel-based 2D/3D registration - A comparative study; Proceedings Biomedical Image Registration, WBIR´99, Bled Slovenia, 1999, S.89-102.
- Kreuseler,M.; Schumann,H.:
Information visualization using a new Focus+Context Technique in combination with dynamic clustering of information space; Proceedings NPIV'99 (New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation), Kansas City, Missouri, Nov. 1999, S. 1-5.
- Kutschke, K.-H.; Schumann, H.:
Computergraphik in Rostock - ein historischer Rückblick, Rostocker Informatik Berichte, Universität Rostock, (1999) Heft 23, S.7-16, ISSN 02333-0784.
- Rauschenbach, U.; and Schumann, H.:
"Demand-driven Image Transmission with Levels of Detail and Regions of Interest" , in: Computers and Graphics, 23(6), 1999.
- Schumann, H.:
Visualisierung von Multiparameterdaten in Raum und Zeit -eine Systematisierung-. Proceedings "Simulation und Visualisierung '99", Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, Erlangen, Seite 377-395, 1999.
- Schumann,H.; Kirste,T.:
Die Forschergruppe "Mobile Visualisierung" - das MoVi-Projekt, Rostocker Informatik Berichte, Universität Rostock, (1999) Heft 23, S.59-68, ISSN 02333-0784.
- Weese,J.; Göcke,R.: Penney,G.P.; Desmedt,P.; Buzug,T.; Schumann,H.:
A fast voxel-based 2D/3D registration algorithm using a volume rendering method based on the shear warp factorization. SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging, San Diego,USA, Februar 1999.
- Bull,M.; López,N.; Schumann,H.; Kundt,G.; Gierl,L.:
TeCoMed - ein geomedizinisches Informationssystem, Bremen, GMDS'98.
- Fischer,J.; Weiss,S.; Schumann,H.:
A real time 3D visualization prototype for interventional magnetic resonance imaging; in: Proceedings Computer Graphics and Imaging, CGIM'98, S. 171-174, Halifax, Kanada, 1998.
- Graw,K-U.; López de Chávez,N.; Schumann,H. :
Visual Analysis as an efficient Tool for the Exploration of Human Health Data , in Gierl/Cliff/Valleron/Farrington/Bull (Eds.): GEOMED'97 international Worshop on Geomedical Systems, Teubner Verlag, S. 225-237, 1998.
- Otto,K.; Schumann,H.:
Knowledge-based Multimedia Presentation Generation. Rostocker-Informatik-Berichte Universität Rostock, Heft 22, S.81-89, 1998.
- Otto, K.; Schumann, H.:
An Information-Modell for Representation Generation, RIB Heft 21, Universität Rostock, Fachbereich Informatik, 1998, S.81-88. (ISSN 0233-0784)
- Rauschenbach, U.; and Schumann, H.:
"Flexible Embedded Image Communication using Levels of Detail and Regions of Interest", in: Proceedings of IMC '98 - Interactive Applications of Mobile Computing, Rostock, Germany - November 24-25, 1998.
- Schumann,H.; Kirste,T.:
Visualisierung multimedialer Informationen mit mobilen Computersystemen. Informatik, F&E, (1998) Band 13,Heft 1, 38-42.
- Schumann,H.; López de Chávez,N.; Gierl,L.; Bull,M.:
Gesundheitsdaten hautnah - Das Telekonsultationssystem TeCoMed in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , in GeoBIT "Das Magazin für raumbezogene Informationstechnologie", Heft 4/98, Seite 12-14.
- K.U.Graw; S.Lange; N.López de Chávez; H.Schumann:
Konzept und Realisierung einer intelligenten Visualisierungshilfe, Universität Rostock, Fachbereich Informatik, CS-08-97 Preprint 1997 .
- Kirste,T., Rieck,A., Schumann,H.:
Die Herausforderungen des Mobile Computing - Die Anwendungsperspektive , Proceedings: 1.GI Workshop "Agenten, Assistenten, Avatars", Darmstadt, October 27-28, 1997.
- Kirste,T., Schumann,H.:
Mobility and the "Infoverse" - Visualisation on Mobile Computers, german research - Reports of the DFG 1/97.
- López de Chávez,N.;Schumann,H.; Gierl,L.; Bull,M.; Graw,K-U. :
Telekonsultation zum Monitoring von Gesundheitsdaten, Informations- und Kommunikationstage M-V, Schwerin 25-26 Juni 1997.
- López de Chávez,N.;Schumann,H.;Graw,K-U. :
Visualization of Health Data; in: Procedings Spring Conference on Computer Graphics'97, S.127-134, Bratislava 5-8 June 1997.
- Rauschenbach,U., Schumann,H.:
"Adaptive Image Transmission", WSCG'97 Winter School of Computer Graphics, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 10-14, 1997.
- Schumann,H., Urban,B.:
"Evaluation of Marine Data By Visual Means", in Procedings 8th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, S.87-95, Boulogne sur Mer, France, April 28-30, 1997.
- Schumann,H., Lopez, N.; Graw, K.-U.:
Visual Analysis as an efficient tool for the exploration of human health data. in Proceedings GeoMed '97, Rostock, 1997.
- Jackèl,D.,Schumann,H.:
"Computergraphik - nur schöne Bilder ?", Traditio et innovatio, Forschungsmagazin der Universität Rostock, 1.Jahrgang, Heft 1, 1996, S.14-19.
- Kirste, T., Schumann, H.:
Mobilität im "Infoversum - Visualisierung auf mobilen Rechnern", in: forschung. Mitteilungen der DFG 3/96, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1996.
- Lange, S.; Rauschenbach, U. and Schumann, H.:
"Alternatives for the Presentation of Information in a Mobile Environment", in: Proceedings of IMC'96 Workshop on Information Visualization and Mobile Computing, Rostock, February 1996
- Rauschenbach, U.; Schultz, R. and Schumann, H.:
"Quality and Resource Controlled Transmission of Images", in: Proceedings of EGMM '96 Eurographics Workshop "Multimedia and the Net", Rostock, May 28-30, 1996.
in: Urban,B.(ed.)"Multimedia 96", Springer-Verlag,Wien,New York, 1996,S.32-43.
- Schumann,H.; López de Chávez,N.; Graw,K-U. :
Visual representation of multiparameter data with spatial dependence , 7th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing , Prague, April 23-25, 1996.,
- Arndt,S.; Lukoschek,K.; Schumann,H.:
Design of a visualization support tool for the representation of multidimensional data sets.
in: Göbel,M.; Müller,H.; Urban,B.(eds.): "Visualization in Scientific Computing", Springer Verlag, Wien, 1995.
- Kirste,Th.; Heuer,A.; Schumann,H.; Kehrer,B.; Urban,B.:
Concepts for Mobile Information Visualization - The Movi-Project. Proceedings of the 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing. Chia, Italy, May 1995.
- Lange,S.; Schumann,H.; Müller,W.; Krömker,D.:
Problem - oriented visualization of multi-dimensional data sets. In: Scientific Visulization '95, World Scientific, Riccardo Scateni (ed); Seite 1-15 ;Sep.1995.
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Visualisierung- damit die Daten sichtbar werden.LOGIN 15 (1995)2,21-25
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Visualisierung multivariater Daten aus der Biologie. Posterbeitrag zur 2. Fachtagung "Informatik in den Biowissenschaften", Jena, September 1994.
- Arndt,S.; Schumann,H.:
Werzeuge zur Unterstützung der aufgabenbezogenen Visualisierung von wissenschaftlich-technischen Daten. Proceedings 39. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloqium (IWK) der TU Ilmenau, September 1994.
- Lukoschek,K.; Schumann,H.:
Bewertung von visuellen Repräsentationen. Proceedings zum 1.GI-Workshop "Visual Computing -Integration und Harmonisierung von Bildanalyse und -synthese", Darmstadt, März 1994.
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Entwurf einer Visualisierungshilfe für die Darstellung wissenschaftlich- technischer Daten, Preprint CS-05-93, Universität Rostock, 1993.
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Visualization support, Posterbeitrag zur Eurographics '93, Barcelona, September 1993.
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Entscheidungshilfen zur Visualisierung wissenschaftlich-technischer Daten, Rostocker-Informatik-Berichte, Heft 13, 1992, S.62 ff.
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Probleme der wissenschaftlich-technischen Visualisierung. Proceedings der 20.Jahrestagung "Modellierung und Simulation", Berlin, Dezember 1991.
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Geometrische Modellierung und graphische Standards. Proceedings DIGRA'88, Kühlungsborn, November 1988, Rostocker-Informatik-Berichte (1989)8,43-46.
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Visualisierung von 3D-Szenen auf Rastertechnik in der Umgebung graphischer Standards. Proceedings de DIGRA'88, kühlungsborn, 1988 Rostocker-Informatik-Berichte(1989)8,79-83.
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Das Softwaresystem GDA-1600 zur graphischen Ausgabe auf den Seriendrucker SD 1157-269, NTB 30(1986)3,94-97.
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Füllen von beliebigen geschlossenen Polygonen mit transformierten Mustern gemaess GKS. Studientexte Computergeometrie, TU Dresden, Heft92/86, S. 104-109, 1986.
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Filling of Polygons with Tranformed Patterns. Poster und Kurzvortrag (gehalten von A.Kotzauer) auf der Eurographics'86, Lissabon, 1986.
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Die GKS-Rasterfunktionen. Proceedings DIGRA'84, Ahrenshoop, November 1984.
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Rohrleitungsprojektierung mit Hilfe der EDVA und graphischer Bildschirmtechnik.Chemische Technik 32,10,pp.519-521,1980.